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Need Cleanup Fast?

We’re reputable, certified, and have over 20 YEARS of emergency response and crime scene cleanup experience in Phoenix.

At Crime Clean AZ we make the process simple, seamless, and complete.

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20+ Years of Quality, Reputable and Reliable Service.

Our team of cleanup professionals is experienced and has “scene” it all. We understand how fragile and traumatic unfortunate events, accidents and sudden death can be. It is our goal to handle each cleanup situation discreetly and in a timely manner. With a team on-call 24/7, 365 days a year – we are available to assist with your cleanup needs around the clock.

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We provide the following cleanup services:

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Why Choose Crime Clean AZ?

Experienced, Reputable and Reliable since 1994

At Crime Clean AZ, we have over 20 years of experience with crime scene cleanup. Crime scene cleanup, homicide cleanup, bio waste material cleanup, hoarding cleanup, mold cleanup, you name it… we have the references and expertise to back it up! Our emergency response clean-up team of professionals provides some of the best professional crime scene cleanup services in the entire valley. Contact us 24/7 at 602-692-3492 for your cleanup needs.

Licensed and Certified

It is extremely important to choose a clean-up company that licensed to clean bio-hazardous waste material and crime scenes in Arizona. Bio waste material must be cleaned and disposed of properly to prevent the risk of spreading blood borne pathogens, which can be fatal. Crime Clean AZ is certified and licensed with the state of Arizona to do crime scene cleanup, trauma cleanup, homicide cleanup, bio waste material cleanup and mold removal. Our experts are on stand-by 24/7 for all of your cleanup needs!

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Works with Insurance.

We work with you to help you understand your insurance options for payment. In most cases there is no out of pocket expense.

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Our processes are tried and true, and based off 20+ years of experience and the highest industry standards.

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On Call 24/7.

We are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. There is never an extra charge for after hours, weekend or holiday calls.

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Suicide, Trauma and Homicide Cleanup. Bio Waste Cleanup and Crime Scene Cleanup.

Call us anytime – our team is available 24/7!

(602) 692-3492

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What Others Are Saying

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